2021-2025 Investment Case

Providing cutting edge TB services
to reach the most vulnerable populations


TB REACH is the ONLY funding mechanism globally dedicated to extending health services to those vulnerable groups currently unreached.
TB REACH has a critical role in the global TB response. Over the last decade TB REACH has enabled the screening of more than 40 million people and the detection and treatment of more than 2.6 million people with TB and prevented more than 15 million infections.
TB REACH initiated interventions have been brought to scale in many different countries and settings, leveraging more than US$180 million in support from other donors from the initial investments made by TB REACH.
Without continued support to TB REACH the gains made around innovation, community-based outreach, and closing the gap in TB detection are at great risk, even more so now in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

the progress
We must make the necessary investments to sustain recent gains in the fight to End TB

The TB REACH Investment Case:
Spend $300, save one human life
Stop TB Partnership needs to raise US$150 million over the next 5-year funding cycle for TB REACH to continue to support catalytic approaches to improve TB detection and care for the most vulnerable populations.
This Investment Case recognizes that there are budget constraints and competing priorities across disease areas and especially in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Although there has been great progress towards ending TB in the last 5 years thanks to a variety of large investments in TB including TB REACH, those gains are currently in grave danger.
A fully funded TB REACH would provide US$130 million to directly fund case finding activities by in-country partners.
Support efforts to screen at least 20 million people for TB, test over 10 million and detect and treat more than 1 million people with TB, saving 500,000 lives.

US$150 Million for TB REACH over the next 5 years would move towards meeting the UN High Level Meeting on TB, Global Plan, and SDG targets and:


Benefits of TB REACH

women and girls, bringing care
into the community

Meet Joyce and Venance
TB REACH in Tanzania

TB REACH’s Transition to Scale
Case Study in Vietnam

Global Plan

TB REACH and the Global Plan to End TB

Leveraging funds for innovative solutions

TB REACH is a pathfinder for innovative solutions. TB REACH funds new, untested ideas by local innovators. If successful, these approaches can be scaled for maximum impact.
In most high TB burden countries, The Global Fund is the largest funder of the TB response. TB REACH provides evidence that is used by countries to ensure the largest impact for the money invested.
TB REACH de-risks the larger investments made by other donors so more people with TB are treated and more lives are saved.
TB REACH is designed to provide rapid funding to local innovators, and the rigorous external M&E all projects receive ensures that results are well documented. This allows other funding agencies and national TB programs to have confidence that successful TB REACH approaches can be scaled up for impact.
TB REACH supported interventions have already multiplied the initial investments made, with more than US$180 million in additional funding supporting interventions tested by TB REACH.

Knowledge creation

TB REACH Shapes Policy

and COVID-19

and COVID-19

If TB REACH didn’t exist, we would have to create it
TB REACH consolidates what the TB response needs into a single platform
Designs calls for proposals to critical needs in the TB response, and solicits ideas from the TB community.
Directs funding to local implementers who are most familiar with their communities and needs.
Produces results - improving TB detection, treatment outcomes,
Paves the way for longer term funding by documenting those results through rigorous M&E.
Leverages funding from Global Fund, Unitaid, and other large funding sources to scale successful projects.
If TB REACH didn’t exist, we would have to create it